
Code Course Offering ESTR4120
Title Long Course Title Data Communication and Computer Networks 數據通信及計算機網絡
Overview Long Description  This course aims to introduce fundamental concepts and technologies in computer networking. The course adopts a top-down approach introducing the TCP/IP networking stack. The design of the contemporary communication applications will be studied. The fundamental concepts in implementing the reliable transport protocols, such as TCP, will be taught in this course. Design issues of TCP, such as the sliding window protocol and the congestion control, will also be included. This course will also focus on the IP network and the routing algorithms used in the Internet. Last, the design issues in the data link layer (e.g., Ethernet), including the medium access control, will be introduced. 本科旨在介紹有關電腦網絡的基礎概念與技術。本科採用由上而下的手法來介紹TCP/IP 協議。本科介紹現代的通訊應用的設計。然後,介紹以實踐可靠的通訊協議的基本概念,如 TCP 的實踐。同時,本科亦包括了 TCP 的設計課題,如滑窗協議及壅塞控制。本科同時亦集中討論IP網路與互聯網中使用的路由演算法。最後,本科介紹數據鏈路層(如乙太網)的課題,包括媒體存取控制。