
CodeCourse OfferingENGG1110
TitleLong Course TitleProblem Solving By Programming應用程式設計
OverviewLong Description This is a software project course.  Students will learn fundamental programming concepts.  They will choose project(s) from the engineering disciplines.  Through the project(s), students will acquire the skills to define problems and specifications, to perform modelling and simulation, to develop system prototypes, to carry out verification, validation, and performance analysis. Not for students who have taken CSCI1030 or 1110 or 1120 or 1130 or 1510 or 1520 or 1530 or 1540 or ESTR1002 or 1100 or 1102.本科通過軟件項目的設計和實踐來介紹工程學的基本概念。內容包括程式編寫概念。學生從各工程學科問題中選擇工程項目。通過實踐,學生獲得多種技能,包括:項目的議題及草擬規格、模型的設立和問題的模擬、原型的開發、核實、確證和表現的分析。