
CodeCourse OfferingESTR1100
TitleLong Course TitleIntroduction to Computing Using C++計算導論(C++語言)
OverviewLong Description Computer-oriented problem-solving methods and algorithm development; object oriented programming concepts; concepts of abstract data types; simple data structures; illustrative applications. The C++ programming language will be used. Not for students who have taken CSCI1020, CSCI1110, CSCI1120, CSCI1130, CSCI1510, CSCI1520, CSCI1530, CSCI1540 or ESTR 1102.本科介紹面向計算機的問題求解方法及算法開發;面向對象程序設計概念;抽象數據類型概念;簡單數據結構;應用示例。本科使用高級程序設計語言”C++”講授。