
CodeCourse OfferingFINA2310
TitleLong Course TitleFundamentals of Business Finance金融財務基礎
OverviewLong Description This course introduces non-business students to the foundations for finance.  It identifies and provides a framework for analysing major financial decisions of a firm.  Issues addressed include valuation, investment decision-making, analysis of risk, financial planning, dividend policy, working capital management and the financing mix for the firm.  This course will also provide the economics and accounting background necessary for fundamental financial analysis. Not for students who have taken ECON3540, FINA2010 or FINA2110.本科旨在向商科以外的學生介紹基礎的金融與財務知識。涉及的課題包括估值、投資決策的形成、風險分析、財務計劃、股息政策、營運資金管理及資本結構。同時亦會介紹對金融與財務分析基礎有關的經濟及會計知識。