
CodeCourse OfferingFTEC4006
TitleLong Course TitleInternet Finance互聯網金融
OverviewLong Description This course provides students with the fundamentals in the operations and management of Internet finance. It will cover overall applications of Internet-based technologies such as mobile payments, social network, search engines, cloud computing, and big data on the financial sector. Specific topics include third-party payments, Internet currency, P2P lending, crowdfunding, and the use of big data in financial services. The course adopts case studies as the major means of teaching and learning..本課程教授學生互聯網金融運營和管理的基礎知識,著重於移動支付,社交網絡,搜尋引擎,雲計算,以及大數據等的基於互聯網的技術的金融應用。 內容包括協力廠商支付,互聯網貨幣,P2P借貸,互聯網眾籌,和大數據在金融服務業中的應用等。 本課程將採用案例分析作為主要的教學手段。