
CodeCourse OfferingSEEM3410
TitleLong Course TitleSystem Simulation系統模擬
OverviewLong Description System concept and mathematical models. Model building: parameter estimation and data analysis. Elementary queuing theory and applications: M/M/S models. Introduction to simulation and simulation language. Principles of discrete event simulation. Random number generators and output analysis. Optimization via simulation. Applications to production and manufacturing systems. Prerequisites: SEEM2430 or ENGG2430 or ENGG2450 or ESTR2002 or ESTR2005 or with the approval of the course instructor.系統概念和數學模型。模型之建立:參數估計和數據分析。基本排隊模型的理論及應用:M/M/S 模型。模擬和模擬語言簡介。離散事件系統模擬原則。隨機數產生器及輸出分析。模擬優化。在生產製造系統中的應用。