
CodeCourse OfferingIERG4210
TitleLong Course TitleWeb Programming and Security網頁編程及網頁安全
OverviewLong Description The web programming paradigm is gaining importance.  Security is among its central issues. In this course, students use programming languages such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, and the mysql database technology, to develop interactive websites with emersive user interface/ user experience. Students will also learn major web security threats and secure web programming do’s and dont’s. Projects may be used to enhance learning.      目前,網頁編程規範變得越來越重要,而安全性則是網頁編程規範的核心。在本科中,學生將使用 HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP 等編程語言,以及 SQL 數據庫技術,開發一個具有良好用戶介面和用戶體驗的交互式網站。學生還將瞭解主要的網頁攻擊方式,以及如何在網頁編程中避免這些攻擊。本科還將設置課程大作業幫助學生加深對本科內容的理解。